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Travailler mieux dans des espaces sublimés - Athilie

Work is a real place of life: people go there to carry out their professional missions, their daily tasks, order their groceries, play sports, enjoy the green spaces. The border between professional and private life is intimately linked.

Airbnb, Tokyo

Airbnb, Tokyo

In the same way that we pay attention to the decor of our home in order to feel good at home and take pleasure in welcoming our guests, offices tend to become spaces that must appeal to employees as well as external stakeholders.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

“The interior space becomes the reality of the building. "

Frank Lloyd Wright

Coworking Fosbury & Sons, Bruxelles

Coworking Fosbury & Sons, Brussels

The company's offices are an integral part of its visual identity. They are the first impression that future employees / customers will have of the company. The workspace can be a major asset, if the layout and decoration are used in a relevant way. The layout and decoration of the premises will bring an atmosphere, a personality that will allow the company to stand out from the others.

It is the image of the company itself and its values ​​that are put forward in the choice of furniture, colors and materials, each element calling for a certain symbolism.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

“Architecture is the clever, correct and magnificent play of forms assembled in light. "

Le Corbusier

Airbnb, Tokyo

Airbnb, Tokyo

According to the Actineo observatory , 9 out of 10 employees say they are more productive and creative with well-appointed offices. The decoration of the offices acts in this direction, since it will allow to develop affect for the premises and by extension for the company. The atmosphere created will increase creativity, unlike a dull and basic space.

Companies have understood the importance of having a quality working environment, and aspire to an interior “like home”: comfortable and warm. Break the formal and traditional aspect of work in a square office and design an open-plan space, conducive to discussion and development.

You know what you have left to do !

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

“The interior space becomes the reality of the building. "

Frank Lloyd Wright

Airbnb, Paris

Airbnb, Paris

“The space has the extent of my imagination. "

Henri Matisse

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